Mountain Horn Music
Welcome to Mountain Horn Music, featuring an online catalog of sheet music for the horn. MHM is proud to offer very accessible music for the horn player, in many different categories, ensembles, and performance levels. Please browse the site and acquaint yourself to the many varieties of music available, all modestly priced for the hornist on a budget.
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Horn Quartet Suites

About Mountain Horn Music
With decades of public performances, I have found only a few small-ensemble music compositions that were available for horn, and had general public "appeal," musically speaking. While large ensembles have countless musical numbers from which to choose, as the ensemble becomes smaller, so do the selections. This is especially true for the horn. Finally "taking matters into my own hands," I began composing and arranging music for the horn ensemble (duets, trios, quartets and larger). All the music here at MHM has been publicly performed (to much acclaim), and is musically accessible to both the performers and the audience. The skill level varies from middle school/junior high to college and professional level. MHM endeavors to create more opportunities for the hornist to share their joy of performance, by providing a greater repertoire from which to choose.